When you get to know that you need your wisdom tooth or any other tooth needs to be taken out, it doesn’t sound like good news. But you need not need to worry at all as Dr. Ashish Jaiswal and associated Dental surgeon now allows wisdom tooth or any other tooth extractions to be very gentle, comfortable, easy and most importantly Painless for the patients.

Tooth Extraction
Why wisdom teeth are removed in most cases?
  • Most adults already have a full complement of teeth by the time wisdom teeth grow in. This results in a situation where there is not much room left in the dental arch to allow for 4 more large teeth to grow into a healthy position and alignment.
  • The wisdom teeth begin to erupt and are blocked by the back molars or the jaw or both. When the erupting wisdom teeth encounter these blocks or barriers, the wisdom teeth get trapped in an awkward position (sometimes called impacted tooth).
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