Root canal treatment is procedure to save the natural tooth when it is badly decayed or infected. To protect the tooth the nerves within the tooth roots are removed which are otherwise cannot be repaired by the body itself. The sole purpose of tooth nerve is to provide hot and cold sensations and nutrition to the tooth.

Maybe you are avoiding visiting our clinic because of fear of Root canal treatment, well you don’t need to fear anymore and put your mind at ease by calling us and scheduling an appointment for examination. Let’s start from there and see what we need to do. Doesn’t it sound good?

Root Canal Treatment
Why Would One Need Root Canal Therapy?
  • Avoiding or neglecting long standing cavities and foodlodgement between teeth can cause tooth nerve infection which is mostly irreversible damage. This can lead to abscess and swelling which could be very painful. Therefore, to save the tooth one would need a root canal treatment.
  • Not that long ago, the term “root canal,” brought to mind painful images and scary thoughts, but not anymore! Root canal therapy has definitely come a long way to reach a far less fearful procedure and is no more painful than getting a tooth filled! In fact, the purpose of a root canal is to relieve you of the pain, not cause it.
Laser Assisted Root Canal Therapy

Depending on the severity of the infection, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic for the infection prior to performing the actual procedure.

The root canal procedure then begins with the administration of a local anaesthesia. Next, the dentist removes the damaged or infected nerve tissue and fills the infected root with an antibiotic to treat any remaining infection or now a days simple Laser irradiation helps killing all the deep sited bacteria’s . The tooth root is then packed with filling material. Finally, the tooth is capped with a crown to protect it, because of weakness and instability resulting from damage caused by the infection.

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