Scaling and polishing are a procedure to remove plaque and calculus from the tooth surface. The process especially targets the area below the gum line, along the roots using a special machine called ultrasonic Scaler.

Scaling & Polishing

In addition, root planning may also be performed in order to remove cementum and surface dentin that is embedded by harmful bacteria’s and toxins. On successful treatment Scaling and root planning have many periodontal benefits like it helps prevention from disease, Research has proven that bacteria from periodontal infections can travel through the blood stream and affect other areas of the body, sometimes causing heart and respiratory diseases. Scaling and root planing remove bacteria that cause these conditions.

Benifits Of Treatment
  • Other benefits includes Protection against tooth loss from periodontitis, reduces bad breadth, makes your mouth more aesthetically pleasing and as a bonus removes extra stains on your teeth.
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