There are millions of people in India who are edentulous, meaning they lack teeth either due to disease or lack of proper access to dental health. At Jaiswal Dental Clinic we believe everyone should have access to the smile and teeth they deserve.

Dentures are of 3 types:
  • Complete dentures: they are the complete sets of teeth to replace the entire arch.
  • Partial dentures: they replace either one or more teeth and takes support from remaining natural teeth.
  • Overdentures: they are basically removable type of prosthesis but when in mouth they are as good as fixed type of prosthesis. They either take support from 2-4 implants or 2-4 natural teeth which are periodontically sound and firm.

Our cosmetic dentists work passionately toward creating the most beautiful and functional smiles for patients whose natural teeth have been compromised for some or other reason and require replacement.

How to take care of dentures?

It is really important to take care of your dentures for maintaining a good oral hygiene as well as to chew comfortably.

It does not take much effort to maintain your dentures in good condition. You can simply follow bellow steps:

  • Brush your dentures at least once a day.
  • Gently clean your dentures daily by soaking and brushing with a nonabrasive denture cleanser to remove food, plaque and other deposits.
  • Also clean your tongue, cheeks and roof of your mouth (palate) with the use of soft bristled toothbrush.
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