Teeth whitening is procedure to improve the shade of your teeth from yellowish to whitish without damaging any teeth surface. It is one of the option to improve the colour of you teeth using Hydrogen peroxide (a type of bleach). Laser teeth whitening is safe and is done under expert supervision only.

Laser Teeth Whitening
Is there any difference between teeth whitening and bleaching?
  • Some people have confusion between teeth whitening and teeth bleaching. There is no difference between the two, whitening and Teeth bleaching means to brighten your teeth by removing stain caused from staining foods and beverages.
  • With changing treads teeth whitening in Nagpur has become one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedure amongst the crowd. Dental Whitening procedures fit within almost any budget and the results are immediate.
Who can opt for teeth whitening?

All those who are not happy with the colour shade of their tooth are the candidates for teeth whitening. Whitening agent releasing nascent oxygen and leach out stains from the surface of the tooth, so in case of patients who are affected by tetracycline and fluorosis, teeth whitening might be ineffective.

Such patients will have to opt for teeth bleaching or veneers can be one of the treatment options.

How long do whitening results last?

There can’t be a definitive answer for this question. The whitening effect varies patient to patient based on their habits and oral hygiene maintenance.

Excessive consumption of food that cause teeth staining such as coffee, tea, red wine can reduce whitening effect in short span.

Some people smoke, use Khaini which can further decrease the duration.

How long will it take to whiten my teeth?
  • It depends on the system that you are using, how dark your teeth are to start with, and how white you want to get your teeth.
  • At home system may take two weeks for the desired results. If your teeth are very dark to begin with, it may take several weeks of wearing trays while you sleep.
  • In office system takes an average 3 seating to reach maximum brightness.
How white will my teeth get?

On average, with a Jaiswal Dental Clinic, professional teeth whitening system, you can expect your teeth to get approximately two-to-five shades whiter.

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