A crown is a permanent covering that fits over an original tooth that is either decayed, damaged or cracked.

A Bridge is a dental prosthesis that fills a space that a tooth previously occupied, It is basically a set of crowns which are joint together and cemented on natural teeth or over Dental Implants.

Crown & Bridge
Types of dental crowns:
  • Zirconia Crowns: These are the best materials in terms of strength and aesthetics. They are fracture resistant to very high forces; therefore, they are the material of choice in posterior teeth.
  • Emax (lithium disilicate) crowns: They have excellent aesthetic properties similar to natural teeth. They have very high lustre and the refractive index is also similar to natural teeth. As they look more natural, they are the material of choice for front teeth and in Smile designing cases.
  • Porcelain or ceramic fused to metal crown: they are most commonly used crown and bridge materials due to cheaper rates but because of metal layer underneath the ceramic its highly opaque which appears unesthetic many a times.
  • Metal / Gold Crowns: These are purely metal crowns which are highly polished and shiny. Majority of clients doesn’t like crowns which are not white as they look unpleasant from cosmetic point of view.
Ever wonder why you see a dark line at the gum line of some people’s teeth?

When the crown is made up of metal or PFM (Porcelain Fused to Metal) it is tend to result in the dark line at the gum line of some people.

At Jaiswal Dental Clinic we avoid metal crowns mainly for 2 primary reasons:

  • The first reason is that there is no way to replicate nature when there is metal underneath the porcelain.
  • And secondly; the human body does not like to have metal surrounding sensitive gum tissue with the exception of titanium.

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Benefits of zirconia crowns over Ceramic fused to metal crowns:
  1. they cause no-problems during T scans and MRI as in metal ceramics crowns
  2. Zirconia crowns are highly compatible and its smooth surface helps to reduce plaque accumulation.
  3. Solid monolithic zirconia crowns are extremely strong: so, chipping and fracture are extremely rare.
  4. Zirconia promotes a healthy tissue response.
  5. Suitable for patients having allergies to metals.
  6. Zirconia is metal free , which prevents darkening of gums and prevents recession.