Re-Root Canal Treatment

With proper care, even teeth that have had root canal treatment can last a lifetime. But sometimes, a tooth that has been treated doesn’t heal properly and can become painful or diseased months or even years after treatment. If your tooth failed to heal or develops new problems, you have a second chance. An additional procedure may be able to support healing and save your tooth.

If you are experiencing dental pain or discomfort in a previously treated tooth, talk to the dentist about retreatment.

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Single Sitting RCT

At Jaiswal Dental Clinic (Laser & Implant Center) our well-trained team is specialized to perform single visit root canal treatment in less than an hour using advanced endodontic technology incorporating the latest rotary equipment, apex locators, digital radiography.

To ensure a high degree of clinical success, patients are thoroughly examined and appraised of the clinical situation by our team and accordingly would advise you for a single visit root canal treatment.

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Micro Endodontics

Micro-endodontics or Microsurgical endodontics is an aspect of the root canal treatment procedure that evolved after the introduction of the Dental Operating Microscope (DOM) to endodontics in the late 1990s. One may ask how a microscope could help a dental practitioner in treating a root canal?

Severe tooth decay or other trauma create open gates for bacteria to reach the inner parts of the tooth.

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Over Denture

Overdenture is any removable dental prosthesis that covers and rests on one or more remaining natural teeth, the roots of natural teeth, and/or dental implants.It is one of the most practical measures used in preventive dentistry. Overdentures can be either tooth supported (conventional / immediate) or implant supported. It is found to help in the preservation of alveolar bone and delay the process of complete edentulism.

An overdenture is a denture, the base of which covers one or more teeth, prepared roots or implants.

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All on 4/6

When you miss a few teeth or the entire set of teeth in your mouth, not the facial shape only gets changed but you suddenly start looking much older your age. It also affects your eating and natural speech. Our skilled and qualified dentists provide this sophisticated implant treatment to gift you back your smile in just a visit and ensuring that you are never without teeth at any point in time.

Both All on 4 dental implants and All on 6 dental implants treatments include embedding 4 and 6 implants respectively into your jawbone at a time. These titanium metal posts work as the roots of the new prosthetic teeth that are fixed on top of the implants.

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Basal Implants

Basal Implants also known as Cortical bone implants are an advanced implantology system which utilizes the basal (cortical) portion of the jaw bones for the retention of the dental implants.

Basal implants are made of a single piece of Titanium metal uniquely designed to be accommodated in the basal (cortical) bone areas. The basal bone area or provides excellent bone quality for the retention of these unique and highly advanced implants. , basal implants are anchored in the cortical (the hardest) bone.

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Laser Treatment

Uses Of Dental Lasers
  • To create a better gum line around natural teeth, crowns and veneers.
  • To remove lesions in the mouth, such as polyps, without needing to be referred to hospital.
  • To remove overgrowths of gum around teeth.
  • To promote the healing of ulcers and cold sores.
  • To whiten teeth using a specialised whitening gel.
  • To sterilise the tissues in dental pockets and promote healing and bone regrowth.
  • To sterilise the bacteria in root canals during root treatments and increase healing.
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Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are the same as traditional metal braces, except that the brackets and wires are on the inside of teeth, so no one will know you are wearing braces. Lingual braces or Incognito™ braces are a popular alternative to conventional braces. They are customizable to fit the rear of teeth and help solve problems with bite and crowding concerns. Lingual braces are as safe and effective as traditional metal braces.

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Invisalign are advanced treatment which uses clear orthodontic aligner trays. This can effectively move teeth to achieve teeth straighten results. This process is quite gentle and mild for better smile makeover. It can meet all sorts of cosmetic purposes. Katy dentist suggests Aligners because it can address issues such as crooked, gapped, or crowded teeth.

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Inman Aligner

The Inman Aligner is a simple removable appliance used to align front teeth quickly and safely. It's ideal as a stand alone treatment or to prealign teeth prior to further cosmetic options such as bonding or minimal veneers.

How does it work?

The Inman Aligner has Nickel Titanium coil springs that power two aligner bows that gently oppose each other, guiding the teeth into their new position. These gentle forces are active over a very large range of movement, which is why the Inman Aligner works so quickly.

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Clear Aligner

Clear Aligners are transparent trays made of special material which are used to straighten teeth just like braces. They use gentle and constant force to move the teeth in the required position without going through the hassles of metal wires and brackets. They are custom made for each patient through a digital scan.

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Digital Smile Designing

A beautiful smile and harmonic facial esthetics are attributes that contribute to the well-being of any patient. Smile esthetics are related to the form, texture, color, and alignment of the anterior teeth as well as to intraoral soft tissues, lips, and facial esthetics. An important objective of an esthetic treatment is that the final result should be as close as possible to the patient's expectations, improving his/her facial esthetics and smile.

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Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Full Mouth Rehabilitation is the systematic approach for restoring all of your teeth at the same time. There are multiple reasons why one would need Full Mouth Rehabilitation.

Some of the reasons can be severely worn down teeth, multiple missing teeth, severe decay in all or most of the teeth, severe erosion of the enamel, TMJ pain, congenital disorders that cause missing teeth, traumatic injury to the mouth/teeth.At Jaiswal Dental Clinic, we have expert providers that have focus in many different areas which allows us to comprehensively take care of a patient while taking care of all their needs.

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Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome, commonly known as TMJ disorder or TMD, refers to a variety of problematic and often painful jaw joint malfunctions. Dr Ashish is one of the very few dentists in the world to have the highest level of expertise with TMJ Disorders.

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Facial Trauma

Facial trauma, or maxillofacial trauma, is any serious physical injury that affects the facial bones, tissue, and skin. While facial trauma is rarely life-threatening—except in situations with symptoms like severe bleeding or impeded airways—it is often severe and requires immediate—if not emergency—treatment. Injuries to the face, teeth, jaws, and mouth can affect oral function, breathing, vision, facial movement, and physical appearance. If left untreated, certain injuries can lead to permanent disfigurement or serious facial impairments, like the inability to speak, eat, or breathe properly.

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A tooth fracture is a break or crack in the hard shell of the tooth. The outer shell of the tooth is called the enamel. It protects the softer inner pulp of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. Depending on the type of fracture, the tooth may not cause any problems or it may cause pain.


Chewing on hard foods or accidentally biting down on a hard object can lead to a crack in the tooth. Teeth can also be fractured with a blow to the face that can occur with a car accident or during a sporting event.

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Oral Cancer Treatment

When oral cancer is detected early, it is treated with surgery or radiation therapy. Oral cancer that is further along when it is diagnosed may use a combination of treatments.

For example, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are often given at the same time. Another treatment option is targeted therapy, which is a newer type of cancer treatment that uses drugs or other substances to precisely identify and attack cancer cells. The choice of treatment depends on your general health, where in your mouth or throat the cancer began, the size and type of the tumor, and whether the cancer has spread.

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High Innovative Technology & Professional Dentists